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  Eco-Engineering 第33巻 第4号   2021年10月

和田光生、西浦芳史、山本哲朗、藤戸洋聡、古川 一、池田英男

赤青混合光への緑色光補光がリーフレタスのクロロフィル濃度、ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxegenase濃度および成長に及ぼす影響(英文)

Thao Pham Thi Phuong、Hanh Ngoc Thi Le、今村 清、古田雅一、前田泰昭

レモン(Citrus limon)副産物からのエッセンシャルオイルの組成、抗がん作用および抗酸化活性(英文)
ライラチュル アズキーヤ、山本幸弘、荻田信二郎、吉野智之


  Eco-Engineering Vol.33 No.4   October2021
Original papers
Effects of air temperature in the light period on the fruit yield and quality of June-bearing strawberry grown in a controlled environment with artificial lighting
Teruo Wada, Yoshifumi Nishiura, Tetsuro Yamamoto, Hirosato Fujito,
Hajime Furukawa and Hideo Ikeda

Effects of green light supplementation to a mixture of red and blue light on chlorophyll and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxegenase contents and growth in leaf lettuce
Keiko Ohashi-Kaneko and Yuya Isaki

Degradation of fatty acid methyl esters by gamma-ray irradiation
Thao Pham Thi Phuong, Hanh Ngoc Thi Le, Kiyoshi Imamura,
Masakazu Furuta and Yasuaki Maeda

Chemical composition, anticancer, and antioxidant activities of essential oil obtained from lemon (Citrus limon) by-product
Lailatul Azkiyah, Yukihiro Yamamoto, Shinjiro Ogita and Tomoyuki Yoshino


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| 生態工学会とは | 活動状況 | 学会誌 | 入会案内 | トップ |

生態工学会事務局  E-mail: office @ see . gr . jp